Justin Counts Down To Halloween Day Thirteen: Prison Break

A lot of the games mentioned on the list so far I’ve played through multiple times, with the exception of Alien, but that is more of a time constraint more than anything. Today’s game is a game I’ve only played through once because I loved it so much I don’t want to go back in case it doesn’t hold up well, even though a lot of the game is seared into my brain because it is a scary, fun as hell third person action horror game…

The Suffering!

The Suffering, what a game! It follows Torque after being put on death row for murdering his wife and children. Torque has no memory of doing it, but shortly after arriving at Abbott State Penitentiary, an earthquake hits, and it lets loose a plethora of monsters on the island. This helps Torque get free, but while Torque is trying to survive and escape, he will come to these decision points that affect the outcome of the game, that’ll decide how Torque deals with his inner demons. 

Gameplay wise The Suffering is primarily a third-person action horror game, but it can be played in first person as well. You’ll go through the island getting new and interesting weapons along the way, needing to manage your battery in your flashlight because this game is DARK. But generally speaking, it never becomes too big an issue, but like I mentioned above, there is this morality system that’ll change your ending. They added a few cool ways to track this, Torques’ appearance changes based on where he is ok that scale but also, you have this family picture that gets cleaner as you do good moral actions or gets crumpled, dirty, and bloody the worse you get. 

The monster design in The Suffering is outstanding, with each monster representing different ways execution has happened on the island. Overall it’s also just very gritty and moody, and it is just a blast to play. If you haven’t tried it out, you should. I haven’t played the sequel, but I hear horrible things, so I’ll just pretend it doesn’t exist for now.

For more interviews, previews, and features, stay locked to DreadXP and play The Suffering!