New Control DLC AWE Confirms The Return Of Alan Wake
The final DLC for Control has just gotten a new trailer. The Control: AWE announcement was dropped today during the Sony State of Play Showcase, and featured a number of interesting tidbits. In addition to an Overlook Hotel-style environment, the trailer also confirmed the return of Alan Wake, which DreadXP gumshoe Ted discerned months ago. This is by far the most interesting part of the announcement, and leads to the assumption of more Alan Wake–Control connected games.
Control, for those who have not played, follows the supernatural adventure of Jesse Faden. Jesse is the director of the FBC, the Federal Bureau of Control. This upcoming expansion will have her exploring a division of the Bureau known as the “Investigations Sector of the Oldest House.” Presumably another underground bunker full of geometric concrete, the Oldest House was (is?) the place where FBC monitored Altered World Events, also known as AWE. One of these events, as you may have guessed, happened to one Alan Wake in the twon of Bright Falls.
If that all is confusing and gibberish, you can read more about Control in our full review here. And for more information, check out the Control website by clicking here.