New Trailer Showcases The Heroes And Villains of Resident Evil 3

More details today about the much-anticipated remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Mostly, more footage of the no longer titular Nemesis! As you can see above, the fan-favorite Nemesis is back and bigger than ever. He’s got flame throwers, rocket launchers, nasty teeth, a brand new tentacle arm, and even a flame-resistant face. Don’t believe me? Just check it out. Do you see him flinching when his face is on fire?

Is… is that your pain face? Or your no-pain face? I can’t tell…

It comes alongside a swath of new images and information, revealing what players can expect from both friend and foe in Resident Evil 3. You can go ahead and play “spot the character” in the trailer above like people did for Avengers: Endgame. Or you can read the press release, which I’ve kindly included below. Because I’m both swell and intimidated by the amount of information.

From the Official Press Release:

Jill Valentine is the central “S.T.A.R.” of Resident Evil 3, but she’s not alone as Raccoon City’s final chapter unfolds. The survival horror game also features a colorful cast of friends, foes and bloodthirsty adversaries amidst a city ravaged by the devastating effects of the T-virus. Today, Capcom released a new cinematic trailer, screenshots and artwork that reveal more of the action-packed drama in the game, featuring closer looks at additional key characters. Jill’s unofficial partner Carlos Oliveira (depending on who you ask), the rest of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.) platoon, the Hunter enemy, and the game’s unstoppable Nemesis, all have major parts to play when Resident Evil 3 releases on April 3.

Fans got just a quick glimpse of Nemesis swathed in a wall of fire when Resident Evil 3 was announced in December – new art assets today show how truly devastating he can be. Umbrella Corp.’s unrelenting bioweapon hunts Jill with an arsenal of heavy duty weapons, including an enormous flame thrower and a laser-guided rocket launcher that leave little hope for escape. In addition to its hardware, a new screenshot depicts Nemesis’ elongated tentacle mutation that strikes with lethal accuracy. These grotesque protrusions only emerge as the black bandages obscuring Nemesis’ mutilated form fall apart to reveal the results of Umbrella’s cruel experimentation. Jill tries multiple times to destroy Nemesis, but thanks to its highly regenerative capabilities, it keeps coming back stronger than before.

While Jill is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, looking out for her six is Carlos Oliveira, a U.B.C.S. member experienced with guerilla warfare, proficient with various weapons, and trained to fly small aircraft. His team arrived in Raccoon City expecting an easy evacuation mission, but were quickly overwhelmed. As Carlos organizes their extraction, his courage and sense of justice compel him to go beyond his orders to uncover the truth about Umbrella Corp.’s devious actions. The latest assets depict Carlos’ harrowing ordeal in Raccoon City, including moments where players take control of the character throughout Resident Evil 3.

The new trailer and screenshots also provide a closer look at more of the characters in Resident Evil 3:

  • Brad Vickers – He is one of the sole survivors of the Mansion Incident (depicted in the original Resident Evil) and helped with investigations into Umbrella Corp. As one of the last surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, he’s also in Nemesis’ sights.
  • Mikhail Victor – The U.B.C.S. commanding officer is a leader with years of military and commanding experience. Mikhail was seriously injured in his team’s mission to evacuate survivors from Raccoon City. Despite his dire circumstance, he still does as much as he can to help civilians and his platoon. It is his compassion to save Raccoon City’s citizens that convince Jill to help their cause.
  • Nicholai Ginovaef – This U.B.C.S. team leader is incredibly resilient, cold and calculating, willing to make the necessary sacrifices for the mission and his own benefit. Nicholai dismisses Jill as a “bleeding heart” who will get herself killed.
  • Tyrell Patrick – This U.B.C.S. member is a seasoned veteran specializing in hacking and disabling security devices. Tyrell provides invaluable support from behind the lines.
  • Murphy Seeker – This U.B.C.S. member and former U.S. Marine is an exceptional sniper. Like Mikhail, he also gets seriously injured during the Raccoon City mission.
  • Dario Rosso – A civilian Jill encounters in a warehouse in uptown Raccoon City who is reeling from the shock of losing his family. Dario rejects Jill’s pleas to escape the crumbling city.
  • Hunter enemy – Both Jill and Carlos will encounter this terrifying new monster in Resident Evil 3. These bioweapons were created by combining the genetic material of humans and reptiles, creating an incredibly fast and powerful adversary.

You can (and probably will) see all of these cool new things in action when Resident Evil 3 drops on April 3rd. It will be available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 for $59.99. You can also pre-order the $179.99 collector’s edition if you’re feeling fancy. More info on the collector’s edition in the article here.

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