Uncover The Secrets Behind A Murder In FMV Investigative Game Jessika
The FMV genre has been making a bit of a comeback lately. We’ve the games from Wales Interactive like The Complex, Sam Barlow’s investigative mysteries like Her Story, and let’s not forget Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure. It’s still not a huge genre (never really was), but the amount of personal touch the Full Motion Video offers allows for more character-driven narratives. This is why there are so many fans for the FMV games focusing on unraveling a detailed mystery. From developers Tri Trie Games, Jessika is the newest title to throw its hat into this FMV murder mystery ring.

More from the Official Press Release:
Publisher Assemble Entertainment and developer Tri Trie Games are thrilled to announce today that their investigative full-motion video (FMV) game Jessika will launch on Steam this summer. Jessika is an intensely emotional and intimate FMV role-playing experience where you, as a private investigator, must dig through the victim’s extensive digital footprint and locate video clips, audio files, and notes, all of which play a defining role in the series of unfortunate events that led to her untimely death.

Convinced of foul play, Jessika’s father has hired you to uncover the truth. What appears to be a textbook suicide — at least, at first — may prove to be your career-defining moment. With only your laptop and an unrivaled determination for unearthing the truth, you’ll need to locate clues and keywords embedded within Jessika’s tangled online presence to piece together what really happened.
While I love these kinds of mysteries, my biggest concern would have to be the dubbing (sub gang for life). Fortunately, Jessika‘s Steam page does list full audio and subs in both English and German. And you should definitely check out that Steam page when you get the chance. As far as I can tell, Tri Trie games is just three people. So if you want to support an indie dev trying something new, Jessika will be available this summer for only $12.50.