Song of Horror Episode 3 Launching on December 13th

Okay, where the fuck did Song of Horror come from? It’s my job to know all of the horror games on the docket, and it’s a job I do pretty damn well. Not always joyfully, mind you. Horror, in general, is a genre that inspires a lot of passion projects. Frequently, these developers have more passion than talent. Not to mention that everyone looks at the giant pile of money that Scott Cawthon ignites every time he wants to defrost his Wagu marinated in pure Saffron, and wonders how they can get a chunk of that for themselves. I play a LOT of bad games to do my job. And here comes Song of Horror, strolling into my town like Kenishiro and kicking serious ass.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out Song of Horror, do it. It’s an old-school horror adventure game that manages to perfectly capture what made the classics great. It takes risks that no modern major studio would dare take, and isn’t afraid to make you start over if you fuck up. You will die, you will be pissed, you will be forced to restart, and you will like it. The only reason I haven’t popped out a full review for it yet is that I try to only review full seasons. It’s a shame because otherwise, it would be my Game of the Year.

The first episode is available for $8 on Steam, but you’ll want to pony up the $20 for the whole season. You’ll want to do it soon though, as the $20 package is only available until the end of the year. For those of you who already played the first two episodes and are waiting for the next chapter, you won’t have to wait much longer. Launching December 13th (Friday the 13th, ooooo spooky), the newest chapter for Song of Horror will be available on Steam. As a side note, the episodes each originally had their own titles, but I believe those have been dropped for some reason. So for the record, the original name of Episode 3 was “A Twisted Trail.” Now I think it’s just Episode 3.

Fans will also note that each episode is an homage to classic survival horror games. Episode 1 was a modern version of Alone in the Dark, because actual modern Alone in the Dark has been ass. Episode 2 had more of a Silent Hill vibe. With Episode 3, the team hopes to recreate the feel of… Obscure. No, not an obscure title. Obscure is the title. What an obscure game to be referencing. I mean, who doesn’t love unlikable college kids fighting plant zombies with a soundtrack by Sum 41 (a score they were so proud of, it was literally on the front of the box)?

I’m interested to see how they will deal with the deaths in Episode 2. With the permadeath system, they will have to come up with some reason why certain character are/aren’t there. They got around this after Episode 1 by switching casts, so will they do the same in Episode 2? No idea! For more information, here’s the Offical Press Release:

Never one to shy away from embracing a date with eerie connotations, Song of Horror is set to follow up its debut on Halloween with the launch of the third episode in the story on the equally superstitious Friday 13th.

Or, more specifically, Friday December 13th. Yes, Episode 3 of Song of Horror – the fresh new take on the survival horror adventure, which throws permadeath and multiple lead characters into the mix – will launch on Steam on said fearful date, handing players the opportunity to continue taking on The Presence as they try and track down missing writer Sebastian P. Husher and get rid of the cursed titular song.

Following the trail of evidence, the third episode sees play moves to the University – both Husher’s place of work, and mysteriously the last place he was seen alive. Players will find themselves joining forces with some of Husher’s closest acquaintances, bringing in new threads of plot as The Presence ups its attacks and the truth looms large.

In Song of Horror – Episode 3, you will:

  • Continue the adventure in a haunted university, cursed by the Song of Horror.
  • Change characters throughout the episode to explore and progress through different areas of the university.
  • Encounter new characters who join the story: Omar Nassiri, Husher’s coworker, and Grace Richards, Husher’s pupil, as well as a cameo from a surprising character.
  • Take on even more unique events, threats, and challenges by The Presence.

“With episode 3 sitting right in the middle of Song of Horror’s haunting story, players can be sure they’re getting right to the heart of the matter now,” offers Carlos Grupeli, founder of Protocol Games, the studio behind Song of Horror“We’ve been really pleased with the receptions from critics and players alike to the first two episodes. Everything starts to get a little more intense step by step in this new chapter with The Presence serving up new challenges aplenty as it continues to learn from the player’s playing style.”

So have any of you checked out Song of Horror? Let me know in the comments!

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