TWIN PEAKS VR Releasing This Month

I wouldn’t really consider myself a Twin Peaks fan. I watched the show and enjoyed it, but it came out when I was 2. I feel that declaring yourself a Twin Peaks fan requires a certain level of dedication we younger folks clearly cannot comprehend. In a time long before Twitter or internet message boards, fans clamored for 25 years to have their favorite surreal acid trip return to television. And they fucking got it. The good guys won for once. Take that, browncoats.

So yeah, Twin Peaks VR game. As you can see from the trailer above, it certainly does look like… a thing? There’s only so much I can say about a game that starts with a Windows Movie Maker red curtain lifting to reveal the still image of a .JPG white horse. It’s surreal and confusing. But to Twin Peaks fan, confusing surrealism is the warm blanket with which they swaddle themselves. According to the post on, the game will take the unnamed player through key locations from the series. Be warned, the game will delve into events of Season 3. So if you haven’t watched it yet… well then you probably aren’t a real fan, are you?

the future of gaming

Twin Peaks VR is a collaboration between developer Collider Studios, Showtime, and David Lynch. So expect an authentic level of weirdness. I’d pay real cash dollars for video of David Lynch testing the game in a VR headset. Information is sparse, but here’s some more info from the game’s announcement:

Crafted with countless references to the series and its 30 year history, TWIN PEAKS VR combines the supernatural, adventure, and escape room genres, challenging players to solve puzzles and discover Easter Eggs as they explore detailed and authentic environments. Players can explore several iconic locations including the Red Room, Glastonbury Grove, Sheriff’s Department, Glass Box Observation and more, as they embark on a first-person journey through the mysterious world crafted by David Lynch and Mark Frost.

Chances are, you already know if you are getting Twin Peaks VR. If you’re the kind of person that owns The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer, you’re the kind of person that will drop $600 on a headset to play this. It’s currently slated to release on Steam, and will require the HTC Vive, Valve Index, or Oculus Rift.

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