Hellraid Trailer Shows New Upcoming Dying Light DLC Incorporating the Previously Cancelled Game
It was back in 2015 that the first person fantasy game Hellraid was put on indefinite hold. By the creators of Call of Juarez and Dead Island, the game looked like a modern version of Heroes of Might and Magic: Dark Messiah. Showing off co-op dungeon crawling, swords and sorcery, and an army of skeleton warriors, it was a real shame to see Hellraid put in game purgatory. Until now.

Five years after getting the boot, Hellraid is getting the un-boot in the form of DLC for Dying Light. The announcement comes with a new teaser trailer, showing a hallway covered in pentagrams and a demonic looking arcade cabinet materializing out of the shadows. Goofy and cool, the best kind of DLC. Unlike Dying Light: The Fallen, which introduced the main character of the game to a new area (and apparently the only car on the island), Hellraid appears to be separate. Much like Far Cry: Blood Dragon, the story of Hellraid is unlikely to involve the main campaign of Dying Light.
But this is all speculation. It could be an entirely new game.
There really is not much info about Hellraid other than what we see in the trailer. It is scheduled for release this summer for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more information, you can check out the announcement at Techland’s official website here, and you can wishlist the DLC on Steam here.