Surprise! Hello Guest Was Actually Me, Hello Neighbor 2, All Along!
It turns out the Xbox Games Conference had a plot twist. TinyBuild showed up to show off what appeared to be Hello Guest, a spin-off title that saw you being hunted by a weird bird man. However, the trailer ended with the bird man pulling off his mask and revealing it was actually the burly Mr. Peterson, and even more, Hello Guest was actually just Hello Neighbor 2 in disguise!

So yes, Hello Neighbor is finally getting a sequel. It may not be a huge surprise, after all the series has spawned a narrative prequel game, a spin-off multiplayer game, an upcoming board game, a cartoon series, and more. Now it’s getting Hello Neighbor 2, which picks up after the events of the original game. You’ll play as a journalist that’s trying to investigate whatever happened to the mysterious neighbor.
Much like the original game, this involves sneaking around a house and avoiding the mysterious neighbor. You can use several tools to your advantage, but you need to watch out. If you start using tricks, the neighbor will pick up on them. He may prepare better to counter them, or he may start using your own tactics against you. All of this should make for an intense game of cat and mouse. Or bird and mouse really.

While Hello Neighbor 2 won’t be launching until a currently unknown date, you don’t have to wait to play it. A free alpha demo is available on Steam right now.
I need hello guest
Henry stickman