Metamorphosis Starts Bugging Its Players Next Month

Most people tend not to like bugs. I mean, I get it, they’re kind of gross. Generally harmless, but kind of gross. Well if you ever wondered what the bug life was like, Metamorphosis lets you play as a man who wakes up to find himself turned into a bug and is forced to find out. Better yet, you don’t need to wait long to play it, as the game is launching on August 12th.

As you may imagine, Metamorphosis is inspired by the works of Franz Kafka. You play as Gregor, who has the rather unfortunate problem of waking up one day and finding that he’s now an insect. Unfortunate! Even worse, his buddy Joseph is currently being arrested for reasons unknown, which isn’t really something you want to happen. So now you have a few goals: become human again, save your friend, and hopefully don’t die along the way. Shouldn’t be too difficult, right?

Of course, since you’ve been shrunk down to the size of a bug, you’ll be experiencing the world from a rather unique perspective. It turns out bugs have an entire society of their own, hidden away in the floorboards and under the dirt. You’ll need to use your new skills as a bug to traverse these environments, including doing things like walking on walls and solving puzzles. I just hope you aren’t afraid of bugs, since you’re going to be the size of one you’re going to see quite a few of them up close. At least you’ll have a much easier time eavesdropping on humans! Always useful when you need to solve a crime.

If this sounds like your jam, Metamorphosis will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on August 12th. You can add the game to your Steam Wishlist here.

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