New “Welcome To Le Carré” Trailer And Gameplay Video Released For Deadly Premonition 2
Toybox released a new trailer for their upcoming sequel to the horror cult classic Deadly Premonition. With the release of Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise just over two weeks away, this latest trailer gives us an idea of what the setting will be. Unlike the first game, which emulated the Twin Peaks feeling of Washington, the fictional town of Le Carré is in Louisiana. Perhaps they’re going for a True Detective season 1 vibe instead?

The “Welcome to Le Carré” trailer is in the format of an advertisement. I know trailers are already advertisements, just watch it and you’ll see. Voiced by detective York, this video is half infomercial and half gruesome horror (maybe closer to 70%-30%). Images of what will certainly be important locales, like the hotel Casa Pineapple and the bowling alley, are accompanied by the Hannibal-esque artistic murders fans know and love.

On top of that, IGN released a full 17-minute gameplay video as well. While it doesn’t exactly show much of the nightmare realm or the horror elements of the game, the Deadly Premonition 2 gameplay we do see is also really dope. Classic Lynchian conversations with fun townsfolk, now in a Southern accent, as well as a goddamn skateboard. What’s not to love. Watch the gameplay video for yourself here.

Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise will be releasing exclusively on Nintendo Switch on July 10th. You can read more about the game on the official website here.