Blightbound Announcement Trailer Shows Dark Universe Of Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Brawler
Ronimo Games announced yesterday that they are creating a new multiplayer hack-and-slash title. Produced by Devolver Digital, Blightbound is a game about killing monsters and collecting loot. It’s a side-scrolling brawler. The combat that looks like a mix between Double Dragon and Deathspank, with 2d characters in a 3d world.

Blightbound is set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. Per the Steam page’s description, Blightbound takes place in a world shrouded in a fog of toxic gas that corrupts any living creature unfortunate enough to be caught inside it. The game follows a group of heroes living atop a mountain base, who must descend to the corrupted wasteland below in order to fight the horrific mutant creatures below and bring supplies back home. Similar to Darkest Dungeon, you collect more resources and upgrade your base before going out again.

and in typical Ronimo fashion, it’s all about the different heroes. The Steam page states that there are twenty different heroes to be collected, “each with their own skill set, passive abilities, and fully narrated stories to complete.” As we’ve seen in Ronimo’s previous title Awesomenauts, crafting cool heroes is something they are good at doing.

Blightbound will be coming to early access on Steam sometime this year. You can wishlist the game by clicking on their Steam page here, and for more information, you can follow Ronimo Games on Twitter here.