Channel Your Post-Industrial Feng Shui With Cloud Gardens
It’s been a long week. It’s only Tuesday, but I think we could all benefit from some good chill vibes. Nothing soothes the soul like a zen garden, and what better place for a zen garden than some abandoned buildings? Thankfully we have a new announcement from developer Noio. Cloud Gardens is a virtual zen gardening game where you create elaborate verdant gardens in a post-industrial wasteland.

“In Cloud Gardens players must harness the power of nature to overgrow lo-fi scenes of urban decay and manufactured landscapes.” Small virtual dioramas of collapsed buildings, abandoned cars, and all kinds of plants are the end creation of this relaxing eco-brutalist game. As the trailer shows, you toss balls of shrubbery randomly into the scene, as well as add your own various bits of ruins to create the perfect feng shui.

You can wishlist Cloud Gardens by visiting their Steam page here. And for more updates on the development of Cloud Gardens, follow Noio on Twitter here.