Check Out The First 12 Minutes Of Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC
Ever since they first announced that that new Borderlands 3 DLC would feature a wedding and Lovecraftian horror in the same package, I was on board. Titled Guns, Love, and Tentacles, the new expansion will feature the loving union of Sir Alistair Hammerlock and Wainright Jakobs. Unfortunately, the wedding festivities are interrupted by a cult worshiping the frozen eldritch monstrosity on the planet Xylourgos. How unfortunate. Guess you’ll have to looter-shooter your way to happily ever after.

I’ve been waiting to see how it would all come together. Luckily, the people from Gearbox are here to give you a taste of what’s to come. Turns out, everything is spooky on the planet of Xylourgos. Who would have guessed that a city built under the carcass of a dead tentacle god would be a bit eccentric? The highlight of the demo for me would have to be the totally normal and not at all insidious proprietor of the lodge, Mancubus.

It’s a fun preview of what’s to come in Love, Guns, and Tentacles. Owners of the Borderlands 3 season pass will get access to the DLC when it drops March 26th. You can also pick it up solo for $15. You can purchase Borderlands 3 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on EGS and now Steam! Click here for more info on the Steam edition.