Netflix’s Kingdom is Getting a Video Game Adaption
Today we got a first look at Kingdom: The Blood, an action RPG set in the world of the popular Korean Netflix zombie show.
The trailer itself doesn’t really show too much other than a 1600’s Korean village burning. There’s a zombie, which is to be expected in a series that is taking place during an outbreak of zombies. A man stands dramatically on a rooftop during a thunderstorm and draws his sword, extremely slowly. Then a zombie rushes the screen before the trailer cuts. So, unfortunately, we don’t get to see any gameplay.
While the name of the trailer, and all the text, are in Korean, we did get an English press release. Kingdom: The Blood is being developed by Action Square, the company behind the Blade for Kakao series of mobile games (no relation to the Marvel comic) along with upcoming top-down co-op sci-fi Roguelike Anvil. Kingdom: The Blood is being developed for both PC and mobile and will feature cross-platform play, not too much unlike the extremely popular Genshin Impact. In addition to this, Kingdom: The Blood will be a third-person action RPG with “visceral action.” Otherwise, there aren’t too many details on the game or when you can get your hands on it.
While the details are light and the trailer doesn’t show much, it is cool to see. Netflix has a bunch of properties that would translate well to video games, and Kingdom is among them. Since it was recently announced that the Stranger Things content is being removed from Dead by Daylight it doesn’t seem too surprising that Netflix is turning to making its own games rather than relying on showing up in other people’s games. Of course, Stranger Things content was recently added to SMITE, so they are still branching out a little.
While there’s no release date, we’ll be keeping an eye on Kingdom: The Blood and will let you know if there are more details in the future.