New Dev Commentary Video For Frostpunk: On The Edge Is Really Cool

After the oppressive heat of the summer, the extreme cold of an apocalyptic winter would be a welcome respite. For this, 11 Bit Studios has us covered. Yesterday they released a new developer commentary video for their upcoming Frostpunk expansion. Fostpunk: On The Edge is the final DLC for this Snowpiercer-like city building game. 

Frostpunk: On The Edge takes place after the events of the main game. After making it through the Great Winter, the survivors of New London have discovered a stash of pre-armageddon supplies. An army warehouse full of all kinds of goods, built into a mountainside, waiting for someone to take them. 

On The Edge will have you creating a new settlement to trade with New London, and survive the new challenges that entails. Without trees to cut or game to hunt, this is a survival scenario unlike anything previously dealt with in Frostpunk. But, along with the extra difficulty, comes some benefits as well. Other settlements are looking to buy, and you’ll be able to create new trade routes and build alliances.

Frostpunk: On The Edge will be available for PC on August 20th. To wishlist the game, check out their Steam page by clicking here

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